1. Purchase a laser auto level first. There are many different kinds to choose from out there and you might like to try either online or at a local hardware store. Choose from manual-leveling, to auto-leveling, and if you want to use one outside or indoors. If you plan to use one outside, you will need to buy a laser detector, some people call them receivers of laser theodolite 2. Set the laser up on a semi-laser auto level surface, a sawhorse, bucket, or if you have a tripod, that's the best surface. 3. Turn the laser on and let it get it level. It is recommended that you should purchase only lasers that auto-level when you turn them on. This will ensure greater accuracy and speed on laser theodolite. 4. Begin measuring. Once you have a level line around your work area, or room, you can use that line as a reference, you can make marks on it, then come back and measure down from there, or measure down or up to your work while the laser is running. 5. Turn the laser off. Now you have a nice level reference line to hang kitchen cabinets, or install chair rail, siding, wallpaper, etc.
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