Received this last week and now i have never left home without it since. I’m one of those people who carry all kinds of junks in the bag organizer (don’t let the pictures below fool you though because i have decluttered the junks before i took the pictures..:p) so it’s an effort to find something in my bag, especially when i need it so much, like when the phone rings but it seemed to disappear, or when i’m about to pay for the parking ticket but all i find is another alfamart and starbucks receipt instead of the secure parking ticket..:( If there’s compartments in my bag, the scene won’t be so bad, but when i carry a big tote bag or a bag with black lining, that’s where i feel like an even more disorganized person..:d. Good thing it’s not the case anymore, thanks to this useful pocket organizer from sixteen million When i feel like changing my bag organizer, i just need to take the organizer out and move it to my other bag. Simple!! I don’t have to check every snapped pocket or zipped pocket in my bag to see if i leave something inside. And best thing of all, the organizer keeps the inside of bag super clean..and if the organizer gets dirty, i can just throw it in the washer.
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