Keep an envelope of small bills around so you'll be prepared when it's time to tip a flower delivery person.
Step 2
Tip between $3 and $5 for a small- to medium-sized floral order, and $5 to $10 for a large or heavy flower arrangement. Remember that many delivery drivers pay for their own gas and car maintenance, so tips are always a welcome bonus.
Step 3
Give generously during the holiday season or during special situations, like inclement weather. Verbalize your appreciation when you tip the driver, letting him know that you appreciate his willingness to fight traffic congestion or stormy conditions to deliver your fresh bouquet.
Step 4
Remember that tipping is elective. If your driver dropped your plant on the way to the door or delivered you a pathetically wilted arrangement, a tip is neither expected nor required.
Step 5
Call the flower delivery to put in a good word for the driver if she was exceptionally efficient and friendly. In addition to your monetary tip, your flower delivery person may receive kudos or even an extra bonus from his boss if you put in a good word.
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